Crypto RPG Metaverse FAQ's

Important FAQ

01. Member Info

CryptoRPG.World is creating an innovative Crypto RPG game, NFT marketplace and a Crypto community.

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WWW Tokens are Digital Assets created within the Binance Smart Chain Network.
Trust Wallet supports several blockchains where tokens are being issued.
Some examples are ERC20 on the Ethereum Network, BEP20 on Binance Smart Chain and SPL tokens on the Solana blockchain.

Step 1. Add Custom Token
Tap on the toggle sign on the upper right corner of the main Wallet screen.
Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Add Custom Token" Button

Step 2. Token Information
Enter This information :

Network: Change to "Smart Chain" since this is a token that resides on the Binance Smart Chain.
Contract Address: 0x06Ade336A458365E529A6659c6253B461d4a9b50
Name: World Wide Web Token
Symbol: WWW
Decimal: 18

Tap on Save to continue.


Make sure you are on the BSC Network (Smart Chain) and that the information is correct or it will show incorrect balances if they are not properly filled.

You have successfully added WWW Token to trust wallet.
If the token is not yet listed on CoinMarketCap, the price information will not show up. Members

02. Competition Players

Competition Players

TBD if this will be a feature.

03. PC Game Controls

W = Move Forward
A = Move Left
S = Move BAckwards
D = Move Right
Space Bar = Jump

PC Game Controls

04. Payments System

Payments system